Do you have a child or partner with whom you have a lot of conflict or distance?  It may feel confusing if they sometimes seem to be skilled and lose those in moments of overwhelm-shutting down or blowing up.  Regardless of whether they are willing to come to counseling, we can work to develop better skills in getting out of survive and into thrive.  And if you’re the person who experiences intensities, I’d love to hear from you.   Most clients find that once they learn how to show up differently, and hold space for why it’s hard, things improve.

I specialize in working with individuals, couples and families impacted by anxiety, ADHD, low support needs autism and twice exceptional/gifted intellectually yet struggling socially/emotionally.  I bring an experienced, relatable and direct style – normalizing the struggle while offering structure to maximize progress.  In office practice of skills and between session practice of those skills will boost progress and maintain results.   I attract individuals, couples and families who are ready to learn how to show up authenticity while preserving connection and learning more about how best to show up with their family members.

If that sounds interesting, let’s connect for a free brief call to see if we’d work well together.  While I don’t take insurance I do partner with Mentaya to investigate out of network claims processing.

Please contact me to schedule a free initial consultation.

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I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

The Benefits of Counseling

By seeking support, you are taking responsibility and action to change what no longer works in your life. We’ll work together to understand and shift unhelpful patterns into those that serve you and your loved ones better.

With respect and compassion, I will work with you to create an open channel of communication. The goal of our sessions together, will be to help you achieve greater life satisfaction.  Additionally, we will work to maintain progress and move more easily through difficult times going forward.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

– Nido Qubein